One Arm Kettlebell Snatch
Skill Level: Advanced
Main Muscle Groups Worked
Exercise Steps
- Stand in spine-neutral position with feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart.
- Hold kettlebell with one hand, palms down, arms in front of body.
- Bend knees slightly and thrust hips back, as for a squat, but don’t go down as far.
- Maintaining a fluid motion, drive hips forward explosively while swinging the kettlebell forwards and as high as you can, engaging hips and glutes all the time. Swing the other arm out at the same time to maintain your balance and help drive momentum. The hips and glutes, rather than your arm, should be driving the kettlebell forward.
- As the kettlebell reaches an apex with no further upward momentum (around forehead height or higher) punch your hand forward and upwards to flip the kettle onto the back of your forearm. Maintain a hold on the kettlebell without holding it so tightly it cannot move freely.
- Complete the snatch by pushing the kettlebell into a full overhead press position with arm straight, shoulder settled into its socket and elbow locked.
- Lower the kettlebell and allow the kettlebell to flip forward and then swing it between your legs before moving onto the next rep.
- Aim for 6-8 repetitions per side.